A jezva (or ibrik) is a pot used for brewing coffee, shaped like a small kettle, designed for brewing coffee over a slow fire. The distinction between these terms is often regionally based: in Turkey and the Balkans, the term "jezva" is used, while in Arab countries, it is called "ibrik". The main feature of this brewing method is gradual heating, which allows the coffee beans’ flavor to be fully extracted.

Coffee production in Ukraine is moving towards biodynamic and organic practices, attracting eco-conscious consumer.

Кава – це не просто напій, а справжній світ смаків, ароматів та текстур, які заховані у дрібних зернах. Однією з ключових аспектів, пов'язаних зі смаком кави, є помел кавових зерен.

First of all, uniqueness and high quality. In terms of quality, it is superior to specialty beans, not to mention commercial coffee. Farmers carry out careful quality control at all stages, starting from sprouts and ending with processing. Bright and rich taste is also an important difference.

This is natural ground coffee in individual filter bags and separate packaging, thanks to which it retains its rich taste and aroma. People "fall in love" with our drips at the first sip, because it is tasty, convenient and easy.

Do you like sour coffee? But did you know that the acidity of coffee is a whole science that will help you better understand the drink? Let's understand in detail.