Acidity of coffee

10. 11. 2022

Do you like sour coffee? But did you know that the acidity of coffee is a whole science that will help you better understand the drink? Let's understand in detail.

Acidity of coffee

Different tastes

Let's recall popular products. Strawberries can be sour, and vinegar can be. And in coffee, different types of acidity are released.

The apple and citrus acidity is just what you expect from coffee. They give a complex aroma to the drink. There is also acetic acidity. In small concentrations, it can give an interesting sharpness to the aroma, and in large concentrations, it can spoil it. There is also tartaric acid, which gives a grapey, astringent taste.

What affects:

As a rule, Arabica is more acidic than Robusta. Roasting also affects the acidity of the drink. Lightly roasting the grain will most likely add a sour taste and preserve more of the herbal, natural flavors in the grain. The grain processing method also contributes. "Washed" processing gives the most sour grain, but natural contributes to this process the least.

Distinguish between acids

The ability to distinguish types of acidity and aroma notes will allow you to enjoy your cup of coffee in a new way. This is a skill that can and should be developed. The next time you taste sour foods (apple, pineapple, currant, etc.), try to remember the aroma and then feel it in the drink.