
Among the many ways to brew coffee, V60 (or more precisely the V60 method) has become a symbol of elegance and simplicity. Developed by the Japanese in the mid-20th century, it quickly gained popularity for its ability to reveal the subtlest flavor nuances of the coffee. The V60 method takes its name from the dripper used for brewing, which has a 60-degree angle. This design allows water to flow evenly through the coffee grounds, ensuring perfect extraction.

A jezva (or ibrik) is a pot used for brewing coffee, shaped like a small kettle, designed for brewing coffee over a slow fire. The distinction between these terms is often regionally based: in Turkey and the Balkans, the term "jezva" is used, while in Arab countries, it is called "ibrik". The main feature of this brewing method is gradual heating, which allows the coffee beans’ flavor to be fully extracted.

The correct water temperature plays a key role in the coffee brewing process, as water helps to fully reveal the flavor profile of the beans. Water that is too hot can make the drink taste bitter, while water that is too cold can result in a weak and watery flavor. High-quality coffee beans are not the only factor in achieving a delicious cup of coffee. Understanding the optimal temperature will help you get the best results when brewing your favorite drink.
Кава в зернах арабіка та кава робуста – це два основні види зерен, які використовуються в усьому світі. У цій статті ми розглянемо ключові відмінності: де і як вони ростуть, як виглядають зерна, чим відрізняється їх хімічний склад і смаковий профіль. А головне – після прочитання ви зможете свідомо обирати каву, яка ідеально підходить саме вам.

True coffee lovers know that the taste of a drink depends not only on the beans but also on the equipment used for brewing. Choosing the right device helps unlock the full potential of coffee, and each one has its own unique features. In this article, we will introduce you to ten popular coffee devices to help you find the one that best suits your coffee rituals.

Brewing coffee in a cezve is a true art that requires not only high-quality coffee beans but also the right choice of equipment. A properly selected coffee cezve will help reveal the full flavor profile of your drink, making every sip a delight.

Choosing the right coffee is an art influenced by many factors: from the type of beans to the degree of roast. We’ve prepared a practical guide to help you better understand how to pick coffee that suits your taste and preferences.

The French press is one of the most popular methods for brewing coffee at home. Its simplicity and ability to unlock the flavor make it a favorite among coffee enthusiasts. To achieve a truly delicious cup, it’s important to follow key guidelines, which we’ll discuss below.

The coffee cherry is a fruit that contains the very bean we use to prepare our favorite drink. But what exactly is a coffee bean: a fruit, a berry, a nut, or just a seed? Coffee beans themselves are not fruits but only a part of the fruit. They are the seeds found inside the coffee cherry, much like seeds are found inside mandarins, watermelons, or even tomatoes. The coffee bean is hidden beneath several protective layers of the coffee cherry.